About Us
Welcome To Our Church!
It is known that the major mission of one who is born from Christ is to share what has been done for him for others. Therefore, a church called 'Jesus Christ Proclaimers' (JCP), established in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) around Gullele Paster, aimed to fulfill the mission of the Bible, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God on all sides. These include various methods such as outreach preaching and internal service provisions. It is focused on preaching the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, its deals with wide spiritual acts. Besides, the focus of the church is performing its role by telling and announcing Jesus Christ, who is life to people. This is the mission that Jesus Christ gave to all that believed in Him. Therefore, in all possible ways reaching true and living gospel to all people, is moving forward with a strong determination, it is doing tangible activities focusing on duties that reveal Christ.
Church Leaders
Abdi Debela
Visionary & Prophet
God loves all of you! Go to church no matter what is pulling you back, I can’t wait to see you come and worship with us at church.
Gudina Asefa
Church Pastor
My mission is to help you stay strong and guide you to grow in your spiritual life daily, no matter what stay connected you to Jesus.
The leader of this church is the child of God Abdi Debela. To state his history in short, he is one who experienced ups and downs in his life and his history can be a role model for many people. Having graduated from Addis Ababa University with B.A. degree in Language (Linguistic) in 2012, he has been employed in different Non-governmental organizations. He has married in 2016 and has two children. The name of his wife is Gospel Singer Gelane Abdissa, their elder son is Sagni Abdi and the younger is Misera Abdi. He has received Lord as his savior in 2003 by getting testimony from persons. After he believed in Jesus Christ, he was baptized in 2006. His account witnesses that being with the Holy Spirit the owner of spiritual act, he has been working being a missioner for the Kingdom of God for a long. In addition, at Gulele Full Gospel, he served to be the worker of Gospel from 2015 to 2018. From 2018, August onward, he started the assembly of believers.
Where did he begin the first service?
He began spiritual activity being a missionary. He began this missionary at Addis Ababa University, 6 kilo Campus as revealed by students of that time. After his graduation, that is from 2012 onward, he preached to those people whose gospel of the Kingdom of God did not reach in Addis Ababa different areas, in Jimma, Harar, Wollo Kamise, Asossa, Afar, Somali Region, and other areas.